Prime Minister dodging real issues, says BJP

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressed his first press conference in New Delhi on Monday on the occasion of the second United Progressive Alliance government completing its first year in office, But the Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party lashed out at Singh criticising many policies of the Government saying that Singh trying to "dodge " the real issues.
CNN-IBN spoke to the Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Arun Jaitley, to find the party's view on Prime Minister's tenure and Government's policies in the last one year. 
CNN-IBN: What comes out of the Prime Minister's press conference is that all is well, he is not retiring and there is no threat to the stability of his government?
Arun Jaitley: I think the big take of the press conference is that the Prime Minister has virtually nothing to say. Are you a little wiser after the press conference? Do you know a little more than what you already knew about this Government before this press conference started? The fact that the Prime Minister has completed six years in office is an important news event. The fact that this government has completed one year in office is an important news event. But the fact that every question can be answered in a sentence or two without going into core issues involved, as far as governance is concerned, speaks very poorly about the performance of the government. Therefore the effort was really to dodge, the effort was really to not answer and that's what this press conference was all about.
CNN-IBN: What is it that Opposition specifically objects to what the Prime Minister said?
Arun Jaitley: I can put to you several issues which the Prime Minister should have answered and which the nation expected him to answer. The Prime Minister has been telling us for the last one year, so has the Finance Minister and Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission that the food prices and general inflation will moderate. Rather than moderate, inflation is going up and is becoming unbearable. We didn't want to know Prime Minister's hope on inflation but we wanted the Prime Minister to suggest what steps the government is going to take to bring the prices down. Secondly, we are not concerned about the Prime Minister saying that he is against Maoist violence; it's an extreme danger to this country. What we wanted to know was the steps that the Prime Minister, being the leader of government, will he resolve the internal contradictions within UPA on tackling the Maoists? Did the Prime Minister make us any wiser on these issues? On foreign policy, we wanted to know whether he is going to pursue an independent policy and not take decisions based on international pressures. Is he so convinced that Pakistani territory is not being used for violence against India that he has decided to resume talks? We wanted to know how, during no confidence motion 2008 and cut motion 2010, the Supreme Court becomes extremely active and, starts becoming soft on vulnerable leaders like Mulayam Singh Yadav and Mayawati, and suddenly you find them switching support in Parliament. Read more....

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