Let's exchange hearts, not dossiers: Pak minister

Within 24 hours of Home Minister P Chidambaram's visit to Islamabad, the Pakistani government appears more flexible about India's demand to act against the real 26/11 masterminds, including Jamat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed. The turning point, it seems, was the details of the interrogation of Lashkar terrorist David Headley. CNN-IBN Deputy Foreign Affairs Editor Suhasini Haidar speaks to Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik.
CNN-IBN: How did the meeting go?
Rehman Malik: It was excellent and a step forward for better relationships. I have felt over the years the people from both sides want both the countries to be friendly. I know there are few issues that do persist between the two countries. It's up to the leadership how and what kind of strategy we use to get these irritants out of the way.
CNN-IBN: For India the main issue remains terror. You have gone in the past few months from accusing each other to you and Mr Chidambaram saying you will jointly fight the war on terror. What brought about that change?
Rehman Malik: Let's talk pragmatically. There is no doubt the Mumbai act of terrorism was heinous. Everybody, right to the top of our leadership, felt that way about it. You have seen our conduct and ourleadership played a role. I think our leadership behaved very maturely. The way the terrorists wanted to create a scene, and we do have intelligence that the terrorists have been doing it - making tension between Pakistan and India to bring them to war - you can give credit to the leadership that did not happen. Obviously, we need to know and we want to investigate in order to punish them. But also to make sure that these events don't happen again. There is no doubt that there is Hindu extremism that has come up in India and your investigators have found that they are involved in acts of terror. We have the same act of terrorism going on in Pakistan. They can bring not only disturbance but also hostility between the two countries. That's why when me and Mr Chidambaram sat, we addressed most of the issues that relate to security and I have no doubt in my mind that the way we have sat, the way we have worked on the strategy, we will surely give a heavy hand on that. Read more....

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