Pak does not see Taliban as a friend: Qureshi

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi says Islamabad is willing to hand over voice samples of 26/11 handlers to India. Speaking to CNN-IBN's Suhasini Haider, Qureshi claims that Pakistan is not supporting terror group and adds that both India and Pakistan should move ahead. Qureshi on Saturday met Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram, who is on a two-day visit to Pakistan to attend the SAARC summit.
Suhasini Haider: Tell us about the meeting. Certainly the first between you and Mr. Chidambaram coming 19 months after the Mumbai attacks.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi: It was a meeting which was based on realism and a meeting which also was based on Hope. Hope in the sense that progress is possible if we address a number of issues, if we collectively move on a number of issues then there are prospects and there opportunities staring us in the face.
Suhasini Haider: But that issue for India is terror and the desire to see Pakistan take much more what it calls credible action in the 26/11 investigations.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi: As you know the trial is on. Let's wait for the trial. We want the trial to reach its logical conclusion and we want the trial to be a credible one.
Suhasini Haider: At times there has been evidence not just by India but like Rand Corporations, London School of Economics putting out reports that say very clearly that not only are those terrorist organisations operating inside Pakistani but they do get some sort of support from the establishment in Pakistani like the army and the ISI.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi: Let's not vitiate the climate. In my view I think political leadership on both sides has shown us the way and the way is resumption of dialogue. Let us build on it. Right! And when we build on it and when we sit and talk to each other in a candid manner, have an open discussion then all these issues will come under the discussion. Let's try and resolve them through diplomatic channels. At times it is better to do things on the quite then to go public over things.
Suhasini Haider: The difficulty with voice samples is specific?
Shah Mehmood Qureshi: There are ways of verification, there are ways of forensic verification.The technology is available and if that be why not.
Suhasini Haider: You are a veteran of India-Pakistan relations over the years. We have seen a time-line coming up of meeting between you and your Indian counterpart from July 15. Since nothing seems to have changed in the 19 months since Mumbai in terms of discourse do you think a lot can change in the next two weeks.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi: Almost 89 per cent of people in Pakistan have expressed their opinion in which they do not look at the Taliban or the TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) as a friendly organisation. There was stage where Pakistan was one of the few countries that recognised the Taliban government in Afghanistan. This is a dramatic change and the democratic government is supporting the change.

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