Paraguay, Japan 0-0 at half time

Pretoria: Paraguay and Japan have reached half time of their World Cup second-round match at 0-0.
After a cautious opening, Paraguay forward Lucas Barrios neatly sidestepped the last defender in the 20th minute and tried to flick the ball in with the outside of his right boot. Goalkeeper Eiji Kawashima got down well to block. Japan then went close in the 22nd when Daisuke Matsui's 25-meter (yard) shot hit the crossbar.
Paraguay's Roque Santa Cruz shot wide under no pressure from inside the area in the 29th before Japan's Keisuke Honda shot wide from outside the area in the 40th following a quick break.
Paraguay: Justo Villar, Claudio Morel, Carlos Bonet, Paulo Da Silva, Antolin Alcaraz, Nestor Ortigoza, Enrique Vera, Christian Riveros, Roque Santa Cruz, Lucas Barrios, Edgar Benitez.
Japan: Eiji Kawashima, Yuichi Komano, Yuto Nagatomo, Yuji Nakazawa, Marcus Tulio Tanaka, Yuki Abe, Daisuke Matsui, Yasuhito Endo, Makoto Hasebe, Yoshito Okubo, Keisuke Honda.

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