'Bureaucrats are not innovative or techno savvy'

New Delhi: Minister of State for Health Dinesh Trivedi has come down heavily on bureaucracy calling then ineffective. Speaking exclusively to CNN-IBN's Seemi Pasha, Trivedi said that Health Ministry shouldn't get bogged down by red tapism. He claimed that if Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad had not been pro-active during the H1N1 flu and left it to the bureaucracy then there would not have been any solution to the crisis.
Trivedi claimed that bureaucracy is not innovative or understand technology which is proving to be a roadblock. He also said young people fresh out of college would be able to run the Health Ministry better than bureaucrats. "The Health Ministry shouldn't get bogged down by red tapism. If Ghulam Nabi Azad had not been pro-active during H1N1 and left it to the bureaucracy, we wouldn't have found any solutions," said Trivedi. "Roadblocks are that these people (bureaucrats) are not innovative. They don't understand technology. Young people fresh out of college would be able to run the Health Ministry better that these bureaucrats," he said.
"The top leadership, they come and go. What is permanent is the bureaucracy. The top leadership only gets what they are given to understand," the Minister said.
He also claimed that everyone knew about the corruption in the Medical Council of India.
"Why do we have to wait for scams to happen? Why do we have to wait for the CBI to unearth them? Where is the accountability for bureaucracy? Politicians are accountable as they have to go back to thepeople. Secretary y level officers should visit villages with members of Parliament. What can I do when I am lacking any kind of support structure," he added.

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