Pakistan ready to act against 26/11 suspects

Islamabad: Pakistan has responded positively to India's concern on terrorism during the ongoing talks between foreign ministers of the two countries, sources tell CNN-IBN.
The talks between India's External Affairs Minister S M Krishna and his Pakistani counterpart, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, has already extended beyond the allotted time.
Sources say India and Pakistan have had "good discussions" and that "talks went well." Pakistan is expected to address India's concerns on terrorism in its statement. In fact, Pakistan's statement is expected to contain commitments to act against the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks including a time-bound action plan. They add that that Home Secretaries of both countries will soon meet to discuss the progress of the 26/11 attacks trial.
On Tuesday, CNN-IBN had revealed David Coleman Headley's confessions to the interrogators of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Chicago. Headley confirmed to NIA that Hafiz Saeed "planned, controlled and executed" the 26/11 terror strike.
Headley also told the investigating agency that Hafiz Saeed masterminded the attacks with active support from Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI.
The interrogation report, accessed by CNN-IBN, demolishes Pakistan claim that the attacks were a handiwork of non-state actors.

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