BJP MP killed my son: RTI activist's father

Ahmedabad: Right to Information activist Amit Jethwa's father has alleged that a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP is behind the murder of his son.
Jethwa's father Bikubhai Jethwa claimed that BJP MP from Junagarh Dinubhai Solanki was the brainbehind the brutal killing of his son near the Gujarat High Court in Ahmedabad on Tuesday night.
"Dinubhai Solanki is behind the murder. He had been threatening us for the past seven years," alleged Bikubhai Jethwa. Other RTI activists in Gujarat are angry are shocked. They want more protection on a more sustained basis as they take on the mighty and the corrupt of the land through RTI.
"If there is publicity then those attacking me will some what be scared that it will lead to larger repurcussion. But after some days after a story and a followup we become sitting ducks again," RTI activist Vishwas Bhamburkar said.
Jethwa was killed by two unidentified youth when he walking towards his vehicle, after a meeting with his lawyer in a building near the Gujarat High Court.
Recently, he had filed Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Gujarat High Court against illegal mining. He was also passionate about wildlife conservation and raised his voice against corrupt practices in the Gir forests.
The man who is the upholder of RTI, Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah says though it is a matter or serious concern but there is no need to panic now.
"It's very distressing, it's shocking. The matter will have to be looked into by the local police," said Wajahat about Jethwa's murder.
But the fate of people like Amit and other whistleblowers shows how even RTI is not a protection for people who chase the truth.

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