Cong hits back, ridicules BJP for late reaction

New Delhi/Ahmedabad: The Congress on Saturday rejected the BJP's charge of misuse of CBI as Union Home Minsiter P Chidambaram asked why it took the BJP so long to protest the CBI enquiry into the Sorabuddin fake encounter case.
Chidambaram said: "Whatever the BJP said in the press conference yesterday should have been said in January 2010 when the case was handed over by the Supreme Court to the CBI. Why this belated anger by the BJP?"
Congress spokepserson Abhishekh Mnau Singhvi said: "It's good that better sense has prevailed, it's too little too late, to resign after resisting for all these weeks is not graceful, is not voluntary." After the resignation of Amit Shah, the Gujarat Police has come under the scanner. Geeta Johri, who was a part of the state CID team investigating the case, said that it was the state CID which had put the 13 people accused in the killing of Soharabuddin and his wife in 2005.
"I have done my best to investigate Sohrabuddin case. It's State CID who put 13 people behind bar not CBI. CBI added only two names in the chargesheet of State SIT," said Johri, adding that during her investigation, Amit Shah's name never came up.
However, one big allegation which the state police force is now facing is that it rejected Johri's request to go to Rajasthan and question Tulsi Prajapati, one of the key witnesses who was later killed in an encounter. But former Gujarat Police DGP GC Raigarh denied Johri's claim that she had requested for such permission.
"No such letter came to me and no permission was received. I got transferred in early 2007. No permission was refused to anyone," said Raigarh, adding the enquiry was at a preliminary stage during his tenure.
"During my time, it was preliminary enquiry and not an investigation took place and which too did not conclude. Meanwhile I got transferred. I also got aware of the facts after me and before me, afterwards," he added.
In its report, the state CID had not zeroed in on to any motif. It had indicted only policemen including some IPS officers. No political connection to the case was ever looked into, leading the Supreme Court to believe that its report was perhaps inconclusive and had not reached its logical end.
Also the fact that Amit Shah was in touch with Vanzara, another accused in the case, and other policemen intrigued the SC. It therefore asked the Central Bureau of Investigation to not only analyse the evidence gathered by the state CID but also put in perspective information like telephonic records.
And the CBI needed to gather more evidence regarding the telephonic conversations. The state's CID role ended the minute Sohrabuddin's brohter had filed an appeal with the SC that the state CID is not conducting a free and fair trial.
Days to come may see many skeletons coming out of the closet in the case as the CBI's chargesheet against Amit Shah hints that the investigation is not over yet.

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