Hockey India receives report on sex scandal

New Delhi: The five-member inquiry committee, probing the sex scandal that has rocked Indian hockey, on Friday submitted its report to Hockey India .
"We have received the report from the committee. We will study and discuss the report thoroughly and accordingly give our recommendations and submit it to SAI tomorrow," HI Secretary Narinder Batra said.
Chairman of the inquiry panel, Rajiv Mehta said the committee received testimonies from both the parties - sacked coach M K Kaushik and complainant Ranjita Devi -- and no other evidences were required for the probe. "We have had lots of testimonies from both the parties as well some other players and manager of the team Madhu Yadav and we don't need to talk to any indivial further. We have given our report," he said.
Indian hockey plunged into a crisis last Tuesday when reports surfaced that Hockey India had received a mail from Ranjita levelling allegations of sexual harassment against chief coach M K Kaushik.
Hockey India then sprung into action and formed a five-member committee to investigate the matter.
Kaushik tendered his resignation to HI president Stokes on Wednesday and pleaded innocence, saying the allegations were baseless and he was a victim of "big-time conspiracy".
HI also sacked videographer Basavraj whose photographs with prostitutes in compromising situations during the recent Canada and China tour were also sent to the national body through an anonymous e-mail.

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