Beaten by teacher, kid jumps off second floor

New Delhi: Even as the corporal punishment debate sparked off by the suicide of Rouvanjit Rawla in Kolkata refuses to die down, there has been another incident, this time in Delhi.
A 12-year old boy allegedly jumped off the second floor of his school building, after his teacher reportedly hit him for coming late to class.
It was from the second floor of a school building in Delhi that a 12-year-old boy jumped off after allegedly being beaten and scolded by his class teacher for coming late to class. According to the child, he had gone to meet another teacher and couldn't make it to the class on time. This allegedly angered theteacher who slapped him. The kid's mother says he felt bad and was scared, and jumped off the second floor.
The class six student was immediately taken to the hospital where he was treated for fractures on both legs. His family lashed out at the school authorities for being callous and insensitive, and more importantly, for beating up their son, an act that is illegal in India.
The kid's aunt said, "It's been so many hours neither the principal nor the teacher came to meet my son."
Despite repeated attempts, the principal of the school refused to speak to us. The police meanwhile have registered a case against the teacher who slapped the boy.
The incident, coming just days after the Rouvanjit Rowla suicide case in Kolkata, has put the spotlight back on corporal punishment in India's schools. 

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