'Media has a problem with me, not the BJP'

Six months after he became the president of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), how is Nitin Gadkari faring? That’s the key issue Karan Thapar discussed with Gadkari on CNN-IBN on Devil's Advocate programme.
Karan Thapar: Mr Gadkari, you have been the president of BJP for just over six months but already your colleagues are expressing concern and sometimes criticism of your leadership. Does that worry you?
Nitin Gadkari: There is no criticism from my colleagues. The only problem with me is the media -- the perception of the media.
Karan Thapar: Let me quote to you what your colleagues have been saying to the newspapers like ‘The Times of India’. They said: “your leadership is “haphazard and indecisive”. They said to ‘The Hindustan Times’ that there is a sense of drift, that you are defocused?
Nitin Gadkari: Can you name me the leader who is talking all these things?
Karan Thapar: No, if the name of the leader gets published you may get into trouble. You know about this?
Nitin Gadkari: Definitely, it is totally a baseless report. It is only a section of media, which writes a lot of things about the BJP. I don’t know what agenda they carry and follow. But people do comment on such reports on the basis of false information.
Karan Thapar: But, in fact the media has even gone further. ‘The Indian Express’, on June 30, 2010, has said that the Sarsangh Sanchalak or chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is unhappy with the way the BJP is functioning.
Nitin Gadkari: Have you discussed this with the Sarsangh Sanchalak of the RSS?
Karan Thapar:But I think ‘The Indian Express’ has -- it published and half the public had gone through it.
Nitin Gadkari: I don’t understand why the perception of the media is like this. I have discussed many a times with the Sarsangh Sanchalak of RSS and he never told me about this. The reports published in the newspapers are not concrete enough. Read more....

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