Govt to dissolve dental, nursing councils

New Delhi: In what could bring about a big shake-up in dental and nursing education in India, Minister of State for Health Dinesh Trivedi has written to Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, asking him dissolve the Dental Council of India (DCI) and the Indian Nursing Council (INC).
Trivedi's letter comes after CNN-IBN exposed rampant irregularities in the functioning of the DCI.
CNN-IBN has learnt that Health Minister Azad has agreed to Trivedi's suggestion and has asked the Health Secretary for a follow-up action.
CNN-IBN has an exclusive copy of the letter written by Trivedi, as well as the file notings of Azad.

Trivedi's letter says undeserving institutions were granted recognition by the councils and hence, an ordinance should be brought in to dissolve the DCI and the INC.
Earlier, CNN-IBN had exposed how the DCI was allowing low-grade dental colleges to mushroom across the country. In fact, in the letter written by the Minister mentions that colleges with inadequate facilities were being given recognition by the councils.
The charges against the DCI are similar to those leveled against the Medical Council of India, before it was dissolved earlier this year.

1 Response to "Govt to dissolve dental, nursing councils"

  1. Anonymous August 18, 2010 at 10:47 PM
    can mr. trivedi assure us that after dissolving DCI and INC, no corruption will be there and every thing will go fine

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