Probe CWG corruption allegations: Fennell

New Delhi: Commonwealth Games Federation chief Michael Fennell finished his two-day inspection tour of the Games venues on Thursday and gave thumbs up to stadiums. But sounding a note of caution Fennell admitted that corruption allegations were a matter of concern and needs to be investigated. He said that the Government must investigate all corruption allegations.

"Corruption matters have been of a great concern to us. In the Federation we have never been associated with any kind of corruption. There is a need for Indian authorities to investigate corruption allegations. We request various departments to conduct investigations into corruption allegations. There is no room for corruption and corrupt people in Commonwealth," said Fennell while addressing a press conference in New Delhi.
"There is still a lot of work especially finishing work has to be done. There are excellent stadiums but I am worried on finishing. This does not take much time, this takes some attitude. My advice to the Organising Committee is that they pay attention to organising the Games and not be distracted by other things," Fennell said. Fennell added that all the 17 stadia were "practically ready" and that the hitches were minor. In his report card after inspecting the venues he said that all the stadiums were world class and India should be proud of them. He said that the stadium would be rich legacy for Delhi.
"The outside appearance is important, finishing outside stadiums is important. This is important for the image of the Games," he said.
Claiming he was impressed with the venues he saw on his visit, Fennell said, "CWG Village will be the heart of the Games. We have to ensure that the welfare of the athletes are taken care off. We feel that some of the buildings could have been finished better. Work needs to be accelerated in the Village. CWG Village once done will be one of the finest that I have seen."
Fennell also expressed his satisfaction with the security arrangements put in place for the players and officials.
"Security has been on the top of the agenda. We are relieved and the arrangement of security is top class. The Federation has also employed private security consultants. Security plans are strong," he said.
But on the flip side the he added that the heavy traffic in Delhi remained a huge concern.
"We are particularly concerned about transport. We are happy that TATA group is handling it. We are concerned about traffic in Delhi. Public must respect special lanes created for Games vehicles," he said.
"Cleaning of venues needs urgent attention. Sanitation and water needs to be taken care. Food services and hygiene needs to be of highest standard," he added.
He also said that media must continue reporting honestly and accurately about the Games.

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