Vedanta mining project in Orissa rejected

New Delhi: The fate of the controversial Vedanta bauxite mining project in Orissa has been sealed with Environment Ministry rejecting the project, saying forest laws have been violated.
While rejecting the project Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday said that Vedanta Resources had seriously violated some regulations and the decision was taken purely on the basis of laws.

"Various forest acts have been violated in Vedanta project. There has been serious violation, violation of Forest Rights Act. All violations have been documented in a 20-page report," said Vedanta. Vedanta Resources had been seeking environment clearance to its $ 1.7 billion bauxite mining project in Orissa.
The decision came after the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) which had submitted the report to Ramesh after reviewing the suggestions given by the NC Saxena panel seeking ban on the mining project in Orissa's Niyamgiri Hills in view of various violations at the site.
The Saxena report has citied many violations of the in-principle environment clearance given to Orissa Mining Corporation in 2008 including non-compliance with the provisions of the Forest Rights Act.
"The consent certificate of the gram sabha was fake," the panel said in its report while recommending not to approve the project because of large scale violations.
Jairam said Ministry was not getting into any "witch-hunt" and was not working against the interest of Orissa government.
"I don't want to get into any witch hunt. I want to underline the fact that there is no prejudice on projects in Orissa. There is no emotion, no politics involved in this decision. The decision has been taken purely on a legal approach. We have taken the decision purely on the basis of law," said the Union Environment Minister.
Ramesh said the Orissa government had violated the Forest Rights Act and Vedanata Resources violated the Environment Protection Act (EPA).
"We are examining what action has to be taken against the project proponents for violation of various laws including the EPA," he said.
Ramesh said he has no prejudices against the Orissa government as his Ministry has cleared an important irrigation project in the state for which the in-principle approval was accorded on Monday.
"While rejecting this (Vedanta) project, I have also cleared an important irrigation project in the state in which over 1500 hectares of forest land is involved," the Minister said.

1 Response to "Vedanta mining project in Orissa rejected"

  1. shoty August 24, 2010 at 8:20 PM
    We orissa people are still not independent as we are ruled by British resembling congress in central leading to destruction & hindrances in industrial development of orissa. let it suffer congress says,,,our motto to win the votes in orissa,,,take a strong ground by turning enviroment law books and reject everything & stop all progress & benfits for the people of orissa.

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